Dear Leslie: A Letter To the Love of My Life Dear Leslie: A Letter To the Love of My Life
Dear Leslie: A Letter To the Love of My Life

Dear Leslie: A Letter To the Love of My Life

From the moment I laid eyes on you, I adored you. I was the first to hold you and the first to kiss you. The day you were born, my life objective has been to protect, provide, and create the ideal environment by which you can grow into the woman God would have you to be.

Over the years, the relationship between my father and I have grown stronger than ever. He is the closest adult to me (aside from your mother of course). Ironically, you and I have established a bond beyond anything I could have ever imagined. And I knew we would be close, but I did not know you would become my other best friend.

Sometimes it is difficult balancing the roles of fatherhood with us being as close as we are.

All I think about.

Obviously, I want the best for you and that requires me to take a “father first” approach. Rules must be followed, boundaries set, discipline provided and I have to make sure you exceed expectations. You need to understand that this is necessary and above all needed for your growth.

Anton Daniels and Leslie Daniels

Nevertheless, it is the talks we have daily that is the highlight of my day. When I tuck you in at night and you read to me, I cherish every minute.

You are my sunshine and most precious jewel. No one loves you more than I do.

Everyday I work to embody certain characteristics and be a representation of the man you will hopefully one day marry.

This means I must be a true leader, taking care of the women in the house and around me. I must also listen effectively, understanding that my wife is here to help, not be my servant. Moreover, I must be the perfect gentleman... opening doors, speaking appropriately, stepping up when needed and aside when necessary.

Additionally, I must also be ever learning and strong in my faith in God. I am helpful and compassionate toward others along with being a benefit to my community. Most important, I must be an example of what a real man looks like... being about business and taking ownership/reponsibility of the well-being of my family.

Your future will be bright.

Make no mistake about it; this is what real men look like! Society will attempt to paint you a different picture, but always hold fast to what you were taught and seek answers through your faith... God will never lead you in the wrong direction.

Anton Daniels and Leslie Daniels

Lastly, always value and honor your mother. I love her dearly! Through thick and thin, we have always managed to make it through. She is my heart and I could never see us apart.

Baby girl, you are my air and nothing could ever keep me from you. You will always be able to confide in me and I will always have your best interest at heart. I would die for you!

I love you Leslie, and you know that. And if you ever think otherwise, just read this letter... from me to you.
